Special Edition Showdown: Office Space v. Big Lebowski, Part One
The past couple of weeks have given us two rereleases that are particularly meaningful to yours truly, the Achiever's Edition of The Big Lebowski and the Special Edition (With Flair!) of Office Space. The only caveat about the releases is that while the Achiever's Edition of Lebowski is in wide release, the Office Space box set is available only from Best Buy. Aside from that, these are two heavy hitters in late 90's cult cinema, and I'm quite excited to see remastered editions of both films. Now, the real test with these releases is not so much with the films themselves, but with what each release adds to the viewing experience in terms of on-disc bonus features and the quality of the goodies that the box sets offer for their price. I'll start with the first special release, The Big Lebowski.
The Big Lebowski: Achiever's Edition

Moving on to the DVD, this special edition does little to separate itself from the original release in terms of extras. The film has been digitally remastered, and looks and sounds superior to the original release; what with a 5.1 Dolby surround soundtrack available and an anamorphic widescreen display. So, the important thing is that fans now have a high quality version of the film in hand for now and eternity to celebrate at their (our) whimsy. This is where the good news ends. The potential of the bonus material that could have been released is simply so high that to only include the same featurette from the first DVD, along with typed production notes and still images from the set, is a "fucking travesty." The trailer for the movie is not even included, as it was on the original DVD. A whole feature on the Lebowski Fest that occurs in Louisville, KY would have been ripe for inclusion here, for example. This release is bereft of any sort of thought in regards to the features that fans of this film would enjoy. As Walter would say, "This is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass!"
My conclusion, "the goddamn plane has crashed into the mountain!" Skip this box set, and pick up the special edition DVD on its own. You'll save $30.
Greymatter's Report Card: TBL Achievers Edition
SE DVD: Film - A
Features - F
Box Set: Design - C+
Content - C-