Thursday, December 13, 2007

Smile Politely - A New CU-scene Web Site

There's a relatively new kid on the block in the CU social scene websiteosphere, Smile Politely.

Written by peeps who I love, such as Doug Hoepker (who's Maintaining My Cool blog I miss desperately) and Seth Fein (who's got enough moxy for us all), it's got all the makings of an entertaining community resource.  A look at the contributors also shows promise.

I'm curious to see if they ever decide to include a forum (ala OpeningBands) and an event schedule.  If so, the whole brick and mortar, paper-in-hand idea of a community weekly could quickly fall by the wayside.  There are enough people who work on this project that A) know what they're doing and B) are tired of being beholden to "media companies" that, if they really work at it, could build a lasting presence in the community that wouldn't be compromised by university ties or corporate whoredom.  Guess we'll have to wait and see.


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