Phew! For A Minute There I Lost Myself...
So... school has been unbelievably busy this semester, and henceforth, March has almost come and gone without a post. But not quite!
There is still one noteworthy show on the tCoB's radar this month, and that being The Beauty Shop w/ The 1900's at Cowboy Monkey this Friday. The gig starts at 10:30pm, and there are a few other openers, so plan your night accordingly. The 1900's are a Parasol band, and are just "ok" by my standards. They seem more like a bunch of suburban kids trying a little too hard to stand out in Wicker Park. But like my ol' man says... "opinions are like assholes... everyone's got one, and yours stinks!"
There's also a little interview with Headlights on the Daytrotter website. There are also 4 live tracks, one of them unreleased, that you can both stream and download. I find the image they used on the site to be sort of hilarious. Almost anime-esque... Looks like they could be in "Yellow Submarine" or some sort of Headlights derivative thereof. You can see the band April 6th at Cowboy Monkey with Page France.

Wow, what's up with their weird drawing of Erin? It doesn't do justice to her.
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