Tuesday, December 05, 2006

If This Blog Doesn't Make You Hungry...

Whilst kicking around on the ol' Little Blog On ze Prairie, I found the Champaign Taste blog. I never remember mom serving ribs and potatoes with any sort of presentation resembling this one. Good lord, does that look delish... I sure hope that's not one of those "walking stick" bugs crawling on top of it, though. That would be unfortunate.

Oh, and when I'm finished digging myself out from underneath my avalanche of schoolwork, I'll be doing a groovy year-end round up type thing. Some of you readers may even be getting an email about it! Aren't you lucky ;-) Until then, you need to head on over to my friend Jenning's site, rbally, and scroll down to find the excellent Jeff Tweedy at Foellinger Auditorium show from October.


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