The Champaign of Blogs
A clearly refreshing, yet intoxicating, drink of life from Chambana.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Chambana Links
- Smile Politely
- Downtown Champaign
- Pygmalion Music Festival
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- Yelp! Champaign
- Live Journal - Chambana
- Mayor Don Gerard
- WRFU-FM (Radio Free Urbana)
- Exile On Main St. Records
- Parasol Records
- Polyvinyl Records
- IlliniBoard
- Sean McDevitt's Blog
- UC Ind. Media Center
- News-Gazette
- Chambana Moms
- Champaign Taste
Local Bands I Love
- Headlights
- The Hathaways
- Common Loon
- The New Ruins
- Elsinore
- Tractor Kings
- The Dirty Feathers
- Withershins
- Take Care
- Santah
15 Computer "Smoke Breaks"
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- Deadspin
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- Believer Magazine
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- The Phat Phree
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- Slate
- Jo Blo's Movie News

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Previous Posts
- Wild Flag Coming To The Highdive 10/7/2011
- The Prodigal Blogger Has Returned...
- Smile Politely - A New CU-scene Web Site
- Great Champaign-Urbana Photo Site
- "Like A Point Of Singularity..."
- So there's a new Beauty Shop release...
- Imaginary Posse Reunion!
- Updates coming...
- Zwan... Honestly!
- Phew! For A Minute There I Lost Myself...
- 2005-07-24
- 2005-07-31
- 2005-08-07
- 2005-08-14
- 2005-08-21
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