Some Light Reading And Shakey Obsession
- Welcome back to another weekly browsing of the local freeps, The Buzzard and Old Mother Hubbard.
- I'm not sure of either papers' deadlines, but I'd have guessed that there would have been a little bit of follow-up on the music fests that rolled through town... some show reviews... musings about the turn-outs. However, the only mention was made in The Local Sniff, where we learn that writer/Pygmalion co-founder Seth Fein was spat in the face by some unruly concert goer during one of Thursday's gigs. That's it? I mean, I don't mind taking the role, but I'd figure that it would have been adequately covered. I also agree that distraction is the great downfall of our age, but I don't know anyone who's immune. That said, as I write this, I'm watching Neil Young's "Rust Never Sleeps" DVD, checking ESPN for the Red Sox/White Sox score, talking to a pal of mine about the weather, and adding some songs to my iPod. What'd you say?
- The yawn of a sex column continues in The Buzz, as there is evidently someone out there who doesn't know that people can be allergic to latex. And I have never known a woman who has used or would be willing to use the female condom. Come on... there are more salacious subjects than that.
- And while Junior's may make a tasty burger, there are about 10 other restaurants that would make an infinitely more interesting front page article for the Buzzkill. Not a great week, but I love you anyways. Just let Sarah and Seth write every week, along with Coulter, and that'll help.
- The Hub isn't much better this week. I guess after the orgy of activity over the past couple of weeks, they penciled this one in for a lull. The brightest spot of the week belonging to Don Gerard, who takes the title for "writing style most akin to Dave Berry" with his hilarious suggestion of Chief Illiniwek cigarettes as a staple among promotion items for his fictional mayoral run. Senor Sokolski also turns in a decent review for the new Paul McCartney album.
- The Beauty Shop are playing with Triple Whip at The Iron Post this Saturday at 10PM. The Beauty Shop are also playing next Wednesday at The Canopy, opening for The Mountain Goats.
- JigGsaw's new website continues to evolve, and they have a new myspace site, as well. Their debut album, "Zero Generation," is being officially released next January on Playing-Field Records, but you can pick one up on Oct. 16th at 9PM with Terminus Victor as they both celebrate their album releases. The JigGsaw album cover is featured below.

- There are some other local myspacers, including The Living Blue, Headlights, The Beauty Shop, and Terminus Victor. These are good sites to get a listen to these bands if you're unfamiliar with them.
- The Fighting Illini take on the Hoosiers of Indiana this Saturday. Can Zook bring them back to .500? I'll say yes. Illinois will celebrate a 27-21 win. Any other sports prognosticators out there?
- In case you hadn't noticed, WCIA has a new talking head, Dave Benton.
- And finally, Napoleon Dynamite himself, Jon Heder, and Ashlee Simpson are the host and musical guest for this weekend's SNL.