Headlights Featured On Grey's Anatomy
So, there I was on my couch with the signif getting our weekly fix of Grey's Anatomy when suddenly something seemed odd. The background music wasn't just the usual fare of Sub-Pop or Barsuck indie rock that is usually filling the scenes of the show... it was Champaign-Urbana's own Headlights! "Everybody Needs A Fence To Lean On" was trimmed up to the opening and closing parts of the song, which feature Erin Fein singing behind a sort of spacey tickling of the electronic ivories. Not that I'm partial, but I'd say that's been the best placement of a song in the series, and I've seen them all.
You can pick up a copy of Headlight's The Enemies EP locally at Exile On Main St, download it from iTunes Music Store, or mail order directly from the band's label, Polyvinyl.

Headlights L to R: Brett, Erin, Tristan