Friday, September 22, 2006

Hub's Going On Hiatus

The Hub is going on "hiatus". The last issue is this week and it seems their editors just found out yesterday. The official line is that it has nothing to do with the Nieto's pulling advertising, but who knows. They're also claiming that the publication will return in 3 months. I don't know if I buy that either. They say that the investors want to "take the paper to the next level" because "the current operation and existing business model do not accommodate further growth and development."


At 2:57 PM, September 22, 2006, Blogger Hon Don Gerard said...

I have no idea either and I do not know from where that "three months" came.

On a completely unrelated note - I need to have the Hummer which was just ordered for me painted with Dave King illustrations and the logo for "The Hub Mach II Endorses Don Gerard For Mayor!" and "Don Gerards's Acoustic Blog in The Hub Mach II".

Unfortunately, I have lost Dean Schwenk's number.

Also, I need it by the first of the year so please respond ASAP if you can help me out. Thanks.

At 3:22 PM, September 22, 2006, Blogger Marty McKee said...

I wish I knew what this means:

"the current operation and existing business model do not accommodate further growth and development."

At 7:38 PM, September 24, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is just standard AssCo speak; pay it no mind.

At 11:29 AM, September 25, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Originally they were planning on printing the Sept. 21 issue, which was completed in terms of content. But then the "printers balked" so there is no Sept. 21st issue. Now the Sept. 14 issue was the last for The Hub.

Holly Rushakoff's article on Salaryman that was to run in the Sept. 21st issue is now posted in the current issue of Openingbands.

At 2:49 PM, September 25, 2006, Blogger Marty McKee said...

Looks like my article on the amazing 1970 drive-in flick THE LOSERS won't see print after all...

At 4:06 PM, September 25, 2006, Blogger Hon Don Gerard said...

Holy Crap! Get that posted on your website, Marty!

...and I hope you are gearing up for hoops season with an in depth commentary on what is certainly the best basketball movie ever, "The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh".

Don Gerard for Mayor. Registered Champaign voters get in touch with me. I need to get some signatures to get on the ballot.

At 9:36 PM, September 25, 2006, Blogger greymatter said...

I am willing to post any article here with proper attribution from the last issue of the Hub, if the authors so desire.

Just let me know through email, and thine shall be done. Who needs a little thing like a publisher getting in the way of good stories? At least they'd go on a site that's regularly read and that's been promoted through each of the major print outlets in town. Just a thought...

At 9:55 AM, September 27, 2006, Blogger JadeEJF said...

Really greymatter? I was toying with the idea of setting up a blog just for the last issue of The Hub. I'll ask my writers what they want to do with their stories, but we do have some of the authors' permission.

At 12:33 PM, September 27, 2006, Blogger greymatter said...

Yep, I'd be happy to do it. Just send me an email with all the appropriate information. Anything to help.

At 9:19 AM, September 28, 2006, Blogger greymatter said...

Chuck, I'd be honored to have your reviews on this site. Send them to:

champaignofblogs at

At 7:01 PM, October 01, 2006, Blogger Jackson said...

Man, that's a downer. I didn't even get an email.

Then again, I haven't been into The Hub offices in over a year...

Sad to see it go.


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