It's ALIVE!!! And There's A New Headlights Site...
The computer is back from the dead... or Computer Deli, as it were... and is ready to kick out the jams yet again! You could say that it was taken apart and put back together right. *really bad Headlights related joke*
Speaking of Headlights, their website has been redesigned, and totally kicks ass.

There are some great pictures up on the site, as well as a download for the song "TV."
Two tracks are available for legal downlad from the album, "Kill Them With Kindness:

TV (right click "Save As")
Hi Ya! (right click "Save As")
In the meantime, make sure to check out the Beauty Shop at the Iron Post this Saturday at 10PM. I get a lot of questions about where to pick up their albums, and the best and cheapest place by far is at their shows.
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